Basic Scan-Mode A/D DMA (STM32H743)
A/D in Scan Mode using DMA Overview I wanted to setup a simple scan-mode DMA on my STM32H743ZI2 Nucleo, for a v-drum project where I want to sample about 6 different analog inputs at 10 KHz. It turns out it is pretty easy to setup, but there are a few pitfalls I ran into that can save you considerable headache. Project Setup Start with a new project in CubeMX based on the H743ZI2 Nucleo. I choose not to initialize all peripherals, and just add the ones I want, which seems simpler. I am using CubeIDE 1.5.1. Some basic setup: In System Core / CORTEX_M7, enable the Prefetch and Caches In Connectivity, set USART3 to Asynchronous mode. By default it connects to PD8 and PD9, which sets up a serial connection via the ST-Link USB debug port. The default baud rate is 115200. Then setup clocking: In the Clock Configuration tab, set PLL Source to HSI and set DIVM1 to /8 and DIVN1 to 120 and leave DIVP1 at /2. Set the HPRE Prescaler to /2 and set the DxPREn dividers for the ...